Group lessons kids 3-9 years

SKIDLEK – for children aged 3
Beginner's course for children aged 3. We learn to stand on skis and move around challenging our balance on the easiest slopes. Most of all, we have a lot of fun together and learn to love being on skis. It's like playtime on the slopes! 

Number of children per group:

A maximum of 4.




SMYGARE – for children aged 4-6 and 7-9

Beginner's course for children aged 4+. We learn to stand on skis and move around challenging our balance on the easiest slopes. Most of all, we have a lot of fun together learning to ski.

Number of children per group:

A maximum of 5.




GLIDARE – for children aged 4-6 and 7-9

Intermediate course for children aged 4+. When you are able to turn and stop on blue slopes ,as well take the button lift on your own. We will through play and challenges in various slopes and terrain keep learning balance and movements that develop our skiing technique.

Number of children per group:

A maximum of 5 participants age 4-6 | A maximum of 8 participants age 7-9.




FRÄSARE – for children aged 4-6 and 7-9

Intermediate course for children aged 4+. When you are able to turn and stop on red slopes , as well take the button lift on your own. Together you will face new challenges all over the place and you will develop your skiing technique even further

Number of children per group:

A maximum of 5 participants age 4-6 | A maximum of 8 participants age 7-9.
