14 January 2020
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Warm winter but a lot of snow

We are experience a very mild start of the year. We assume that a lot of you guys wonder if it is possible to ski at Romme Alpin. The answer is off course – YES!

During November and December we managed to create a lot of snow despite quite high temperatures. We also had some cold days around Christmas which allowed us to start the snow system again. At New Years we had 27 out of 33 slopes open and all the lifts.

During these last two weeks, strong winds and plus temperatures has made us close two of the slopes (which we opened with a little too low snow depth). The snow in these slopes will now be used to improve the nearby slopes.

Overall we are comfortable and very happy to offer great skiing opportunitues for many more weeks ahead. But, it is winter, so we hope and wish for more snow and cold days! Welcome.